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Non-University Scholarship Opportunities

Scholarship opportunity information provided by Financial Aid.
Blaze Your Own Trail Scholarship 2024-05-06 $1000 Scholarship requires 600-800 word essay. Please visit website for details.
Aging Matters Scholarship 2024-05-15 $1500 Scholarship requires 1000 word essay and application. Please visit website for details.
B. Davis Scholarship 2024-05-21 $1000 Scholarship requires less than 1000 word essay. Please visit website for details.
Blankstyle Scholarship 2024-05-31 $1000 Scholarship, requires essay and short application. Please visit website for details.
Medina County Retired Teachers Association 2024-05-31 $2000 scholarship for Medina County High School graduates. Please see website for more details.
There's Space for Everyone Scholarship 2024-05-31 8 $3,000 Scholarships Awarded. Essay required. Visit webpage for details.
District Chronicles Scholarship 2024-06-01 $1000 Scholarship requires 600 - 1000 word essay. Please visit website for details.
Richard Rawle Memorial Scholarship 2024-06-01 $2000 Scholarship requires minimum 500 word essay and short application. Please visit website for details.
Thomas J. Seefred Trust Scholarship 2024-06-01 $3000 scholarship, intended to support Juvenile Diabetes and complete a minimum 500 word essay. Please see website for more details.
PixelPlex STEM Scholarship 2024-06-05 $2000 Scholarship requires minimum 1200 word essay. Please visit website for details.
Abbott & Fenner Scholarship 2024-06-07 $1000 Scholarship requires 500 - 1000 word essay. Please visit website for details.
GMR Transcription Scholarship 2024-06-15 $500 Scholarship requires essay. Please visit website for details
BigSun Athletics Scholarship 2024-06-19 $500 BigSun Scholarship requires 500 - 1000 word essay. Please visit website for details.
The Demetrios Agathangelides Memorial Scholarship 2024-06-30 $5000 scholarship requires completed application and brief essay. Please visit website for details.
AED Scholarship 2024-07-01 $1500 Scholarship requires 300-500 word essay, picture of AED, and Video. Please visit website for details.
JMJ Phillip Group Scholarship 2024-07-01 $1000 Scholarship requires 500 - 1000 word essay. Please visit website for details. Business Scholarship 2024-07-04 Award amounts vary from $1,500-$4,000. Michigan residents pursuing a major in business or business-related field. See website for additional details.
Driver Education Initiative Award 2024-08-01 $500 Scholarship requires essay. Please visit website for details.
Michael Moody Fitness Scholarship 2024-08-01 $1500 Scholarship requires essay and application process. Please visit website for details.
Innovation In Education Scholarship 2024-09-20 $500 Monthly Scholarship requires no limit essay. Please visit website for details.
Responsify Scholarship 2024-10-05 $1000 scholarship requires 800-1000 word essay. Please visit website for details.
AES Scholarship 2024-10-08 $500 Scholarship. Requires 500 - 1000 Word Essay. Please visit website for more details.
Pretty Photoshop Actions Annual Scholarship 2024-10-15 $500 scholarship, requires 800-1000 word essay on Adobe Photoshop. Please see website for more details.
Pond Guy Entrepreneurship & Biology Scholarship 2024-11-01 $1500 Scholarship requires 500 word essay. Please visit website for details.
GreenPal Scholarship 2024-11-15 $2000 scholarship, requires a 500-1000 word essay and to be pursuing a degree in the College of Business. Please see website for more details.
Tortuga Study Abroad Scholarship 2024-11-15 $1000 scholarship requires short application and 500 word essay. Please visit website for details.
Bosterbio Scholarships 2024-11-30 (2) $1000 Scholarship for Biology or Biotechnology students. Requires minimum 500 word essay. Please visit website for details..
North Spore Mycology Scholarship 2024-12-20 $2500 Scholarship for Mycology Students. Requires 300 word essay. Please visit website for details.
#Nursing Scholarship 2024-12-31 Three $1200 Scholarships that require 1000+ word essay. Please visit website for details.